Jacksonville Children's ENT
FrequENTly Requested Information
Pediatric Otolaryngology Associates specializes in personal Pediatric ENT and hearing services for children in the Greater Jacksonville, FL, metropolitan area. Our practice is located in Mandarin and is situated conveniently close to major highway interchanges.
We are currently accepting new patients and welcome any questions you may have. Please be aware that we close daily for lunch, during the hours of 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. If you have an urgent need to reach Dr. Wohl either during our lunch closure or after regular patient care hours, please call our main number and dial extension “230” to be transferred to his on-call pager system. At the beginning of any voicemail message, please leave your name, your child's name and your telephone number.
While every insurance plan is different, we ask that you check with your specific insurance provider regarding “specialist physician” fees and procedures before your appointment. It is important that you understand your responsibilities, as all co-pays, co-insurance, and deductibles are due at the time of your child’s visit. We accept most insurance plans, cash, personal checks, VISA, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover.
Before you visit our office, we kindly request that you register for the North Florida Surgeons (NFS) Patient Portal. Please visit the “Registration & Education” page above and follow the instructions appropriate for you. We know your time is valuable, so if you are unable to access the NFS Portal, please arrive 15 minutes prior to your appointment to complete the pre-registration paperwork.
The office will be closed in observance of the Spring Holiday Season on Monday, April 14th and Friday April 18th. While the office is closed, if you have urgent "After Hours" questions, please dial 904-812-7655 to be transferred to Dr. Wohl's on-call pager system. PLEASE START ANY VOICEMAIL MESSAGE WITH YOUR NAME, YOUR CHILD'S NAME, AND YOUR TELEPHONE NUMBER. Thank you.
Please note that our digital phone carrier is still having intermittent switching issues with some of the cellphone carriers. If you are having trouble reaching our office by phone, you can either send a message through your patient portal or email us at info@ent4kids.net
In accordance with our local children's hospital and medical society guidelines, mask use in our facility is now voluntary. We will continue to protect our vulnerable patient population and are kindly requesting that all who are experiencing Cold, Flu, RSV, or COVID-type symptoms, such as a cough, sore throat congestion and fever, kindly have their nose and mouth covered when entering our medical facility.
Thank you for your ongoing cooperation in this matter.